Wednesday, January 11, 2006


SAP - Press Release

SAP - Press Release: "Continuing to expand its offering of business management software solutions designed to meet the resource and industry requirements of small and midsize enterprises (SMEs), SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) today introduced 39 qualified mySAP� All-in-One partner solutions. The solutions were developed and delivered by SAP partners in countries including Australia, Belgium, China, Denmark, Hungary, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. Each offering includes built-in best practices for managing business processes within a specific industry, giving the new solutions the ability to address diverse industries ranging from biotechnology, plant construction and transportation services to aviation and fashion retailing. The latest additions to the world�s largest portfolio of micro-vertical solutions for SMEs, the 39 new offerings are part of more than 100 new solutions introduced in the last 12 months and nearly 600 qualified mySAP All-in-One partner solutions available in more than 50 countries and used by more than 7,100 customers worldwide."

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