Tuesday, March 14, 2006


news - Arizona Electric Power Cooperative Makes Safe Passage to SAP

news - Arizona Electric Power Cooperative Makes Safe Passage to SAP: "SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) today announced that Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (AEPCO), a not-for-profit electric cooperative providing energy to communities across the Southwest, joins a growing list of companies that are using the SAP Safe Passage program�a tailored package of applications, technology and incentives�to migrate to SAP, the world�s leading and most experienced business software solution provider.

Using mySAP� ERP, SAP�s market-leading enterprise resource planning solution, AEPCO and its sister cooperatives�Sierra Southwest Cooperative Services, Inc. (Sierra) and Southwest Transmission Cooperative, Inc. (SWTC)�will consolidate approximately 100 disparate legacy systems onto a single, integrated platform, streamlining business processes for improved usability across its three cooperative organizations. This move will aid in the modernization of internal systems and help AEPCO preserve its intellectual property."

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