Tuesday, May 23, 2006


SAPPHIRE Blogger Corps

SAPPHIRE Blogger Corps: "The greatest contention I have with the more formal message came from Bill McDermot who runs SAP America, a cute soundbite that Best of Breed does not Breed. Well, Best of Show is a Dog. First of all, the longstanding claim against a diverse vendor population is that if proliferated results in complexity unwanted by IT. Second, this contradicts the NetWeaver vision of SoA reducing the need to standardize on a software stack and enabling ISVs to deliver value. Third, it's the ecosystem that wags the dog into needed change. Fourth, why would software be the one area of spending that shouldn't adopt a portfolio strategy. Fifth, when I look at the industry today I see substantial innovation. I'm harping on a soundbite out of context, and the comment was probably more directed towards Oracle. "

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