Monday, June 19, 2006


Computerworld > Fusion�s long fuse should ensure against burns

Computerworld > Fusion�s long fuse should ensure against burns: "At that point, it may be easier to install a completely new ERP system than it would be to undertake the double migration that Fusion requires. This has the added advantage of allowing you to completely re-evaluate your ERP strategy down the road and possibly select a non-Oracle solution.

Whatever option is chosen, organisations need to begin developing their Fusion migration strategy now. If you don�t have an Oracle strategy, Oracle�s salesforce will definitely have a strategy for you. Do some research ahead of time, and be thoroughly prepared when the questions start.

There�s plenty of time to develop an effective, business-based migration strategy, but don�t put it off until Fusion becomes available. Ignoring the decision while the fuse continues to burn is unproductive. Leverage the lead-time provided by Oracle�s early announcement of Fusion to make the migration decision that�s right for your organisation. "

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