Monday, June 12, 2006


SAP AG / On the Record: Shai Agassi He's looking to find genius -- all over the world

SAP AG / On the Record: Shai Agassi He's looking to find genius -- all over the world: "Q: Could you explain to us what your job is for SAP?
A: I'm in charge of all products, all technology. Globally we have 10,000 engineers, roughly, that work on these products.
Q: But you've emerged as the face and the voice of SAP here in Silicon Valley. How did that come to be?
A: I just live here.
Q: But SAP is based in Germany. Why do you live here?
A: Great weather. My wife and kids are here. Look, SAP is probably the most globalized company you can imagine. We have a headquarters in Germany, an hour south of Frankfurt. But the head of sales is in Paris. And the head of products is in Palo Alto. Our chairman is shuttling between all locations. We mirror our customers. "

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