Wednesday, July 19, 2006


CBR 10 Most Influential: Movers and Shakers - Computer Business Review

CBR 10 Most Influential: Movers and Shakers - Computer Business Review: "Narrowly missing out this year...
Nominated but narrowly missing the cut this year, in no particular order: Symantec's John Thompson, SAP's Henning Kagermann, Cisco's John Chambers,CA's former CEO Sanjay Kumar (for all the wrong

reasons, after he pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and securities fraud charges in April), Linus Torvalds, Tim Berners-Lee, Cognos' Rob Ashe, Business Objects' Bernard Liautaud, SAS' Jim Goodnight, EMC's Joe Tucci, Mercury's Tony Zingale, Novell's Jack Messman, Intel's Paul Otellini, RIM's Mike Lazaridis, Palm's Ed Colligan, Motorola's Ed Zander, Telelogic's Anders Lidbeck and Sybase's John Chen."

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