Wednesday, November 15, 2006


PRESS RELEASE Record-Breaking Attendance Makes SAP(R) TechEd '06 Most Successful Ever

PRESS RELEASE Record-Breaking Attendance Makes SAP(R) TechEd '06 Most Successful Ever: "Celebrating its 10th anniversary, SAP's largest technical product education event of the year offered more than 900 hours of lecture-driven and hands-on sessions at each location: Las Vegas, Nevada, Sept. 12 - 15; Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 5 - 6; Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 18 - 20; and Bangalore, India, Nov. 8 - 10, 2006. Attendance was strong in all four venues, with the largest increase in Bangalore, where conference registrations grew by more than 40 percent year over year, from 2,700 to 3,800. "

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