Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Oracle Announces Release of Siebel CRM 8

Oracle Announces Release of Siebel CRM 8: "Part of the company's strategy appears to be to convince Siebel customers that their investments aren't going to be ditched. Company officials provide a statement from Toine Straathof, Program CIO CRM at Rabobank, who said 'under Oracle's Applications Unlimited program, we are confident that Oracle will protect our current investments in Siebel applications.'
With certification with Oracle Fusion Middleware, Siebel 8 provides support for Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) and out-of-the-box Web services-based integration. This is intended to simplify integration between Siebel and other applications and services and accelerate Web-based application development.
Additionally, Siebel 8 will provide ongoing, heterogeneous support for non-Oracle technology, including IBM (News - Alert) WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, SQL Server 2005 and IBM DB2, to 'prevent vendor lock-in,' company officials say. "

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