Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Column: Is there an SAP PMO in your future?

Column: Is there an SAP PMO in your future?: "SAP's recent decision to package upgrade functionality into 'bite-size' chunks will drive changes in the way SAP customers deal with organizational and governance issues. The complexity of implementing and integrating a continual stream of upgrade packages for mySAP ERP 2005 creates a need for strict upgrade methodology and proven upgrade process excellence.
SAP functional enhancement packages are smaller in scope than the larger, monolithic upgrades of the past, but the potential number of these upgrades and their impact on the numerous instances of SAP installed across an enterprise will necessitate changes.
Given the challenge, customers should consider establishing a Program Management Office (PMO) dedicated to developing a strategic upgrade roadmap and managing the ongoing upgrade process in a manner that ensures that the new SAP functional enhancement packages create minimal disruption and tightly align with specific business process innovation needs. "

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