Thursday, February 22, 2007


MySAP ERP 2005 upgrade challenges and advice

MySAP ERP 2005 upgrade challenges and advice: "Why should users upgrade to mySAP ERP 2005 instead of mySAP ERP 2004?
Riedel: It starts with maintenance. If you look at the maintenance piece, right now you are able to sit on the release much longer, which gives you, to a certain extent, a better return on investment. Also, with [mySAP ERP] 2005 you still have the flexibility to introduce new functionality. Those are two main things that you can't do with [mySAP ERP] 2004.
On top of that, look at all the effort SAP is putting into it. All the efforts within SAP are clearly focused right now toward 2005, the respective enhancement packages, and switch frame technology to integrate industry solutions. So the investments in regards to making 2005 a robust business process platform toward 2010 and beyond is something you can't find within 2004.
Therefore customers who are in the midst of a 2004 upgrade project should look at whether it would be a good idea to go to 2005. And that's really a very strong point for us. 2004 is a good release, but there are things you don't get, and consequently it's not enterprise SOA, and you won't see 2004 going toward enterprise SOA."

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