Friday, February 02, 2007


SAP grows in market share

SAP grows in market share: "Q4 represented SAP's 12th consecutive quarter of double-digit software license revenue growth (in constant currencies) globally. Q4 also represented SAP's 17th consecutive quarter of double-digit software license revenue growth (in constant currencies) in the Americas region. 2006 represented another year of strong market share gains for SAP.
SAP's worldwide share of Core Enterprise Applications vendors increased to 24%, a gain of 2.8 percentage points for the full year. By the end of 2006, SAP's market share of core enterprise applications was more than 2x the next largest vendor. In Q4 2006 alone, SAP signed more software licenses than Oracle did in the full year. 2006 represented the first year, since 2000, that SAP has recorded double-digit software revenue growth (in constant currencies) in each of its sales regions (Americas, Asia Pacific, and EMEA).

mySAP ERP / BPP adoption is going well. SAP NetWeaver revenue grew 55 percent in 2006. SAP had 4,000 productive mySAP ERP customers at the end of 2006, out of a total of 7,300 mySAP ERP customers. Initial customer feedback has been very positive. "

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